Today was an odd, frustrating day. Not gonna lie, I wanted to just, idk...go throw on some Underoath and get my razor out. I didn't, but I wanted to. Instead, I turned on Blue October, and Mandisa (haha yeahhh....weird combo, I know-but that's the kind of day it was), and sang my lungs off while doing laundry. Hmmm...mayhaps that'll be what I turn to instead of cutting long as no one's home. lol.
Anyways...I guess the "weirdness" of today started this morning...I overslept, as I stayed up till 2 am watching 500 Days of Summer...I was awoken by my grandma yelling for me to get up around 7:20ish. I jumped out of bed, called Britt to see if she could pick me up, and then got ready fly-fast. I had to be at church for the early service by 8 am....somehow, during my extreme rush to get ready, I pulled together an *uber* cute outfit-not gonna lie. . . a dress (white lace/ruching on top, dark navy pencil skirt on bottom), an Old Navy crocheted light-blue sweater, and zebra print cut out flats. I was spazzing about my hair, but, being that it's already wavy, I just sprayed and scrunched it into slightly better waves. ....So, I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when Britt called my cell-I told her I'd be right out. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my purse (I'm just glad I didn't have to get my guitar!) ....I yelled goodbye to everyone, and then jumped in Mitzi, and went to church. ....Khullen (13 yr old bro) showed up at church after the first part of service-worship. (Which, btw, I did well at....I had a sm. solo part for one song, and I guess the adults didn't know I sang, so afterwards, they were all telling me what a great voice I have...that's something that'll lift your day!) Anyhow, Khullen told me that Grandma was mad at me b/c we didn't take Khullen with us this morning. ....he never said anything about wanting to go with us, and he wasn't ready when I left...(he stayed up late watching Taken)....anyhow, Gramma was mad. I wasn't too worried about it, honestly. Uhm, after Sunday School, Kayla and I sat out in the foyer on the couch/chair, and talked...about our houses, when we're we want to have a single room in our houses- our, "white room" where we can go, and lock ourselves in, and throw paint, or draw on the walls, or WHATEVER! in response to how we're feeling....I love the idea...I think we ought to do it. Then, the woman who I've asked to take my senior pictures walked over to us and she and I discussed a location for some pics...there's an old haunted asbestos filled mental hospital about 20 mins from my house...there's great architecture, and, as a photographer, I think it'd make for some GREAT photos..very unique, that's for sure. Anyhow, after that, I accidently made up a new "happy dance", and then church let Grandma walked right past me, saw me, as I tried to talk to her, and then kept walking, first to the restroom, and then out to her car. I got my brothers, and we went out to the car. She started in on me about how "hateful it was that I didn't bother taking Khullen with me eariler in the morning." About how, "I needed to get over being such a selfish teenager, and be nicer to my brother, and stop being so hateful toward him." .....Oh...kay? ....(Khullen had gone over to Britt and Kayla's to hang w/ their younger bro, who is 13 also, so I couldn't ask him what grandma was talking about.) When we got home, she started gathering her things, and said that she was leaving, and that we were on our own for the rest of the day. She left, and, it's been me, and the two youngest boys at home all afternoon. I cleaned up; dishes, the kitchen, the laundry, living room, etc. and worked on a paper that's due tomorrow for school. My parents, (who were out of town for a military happening) called and said that they'd not be home until late...meaning that I was/am missing youth group to babysit. I understand that there's nothing we could do, but it makes me super upset at my grandma for leaving....I'm turning 18 tomorrow, and one of our guitarist's birthday is also tomorrow-I wanted to wish him happy birthday in person, and also, just be at youth group. (not to mention I'm the bass player-the only one?, worship will be missing a bass guitar tonight.) Oh well. There's absolutely nothing at all I can do.
I've been frustrated all day....really, really frustrated. . . and, other than the obvious, it doesn't make much sense. Maybe it's cause I'm tired....who really knows? ....I've been on the laptop working on my paper-supporting that our troops are in Iraq....this paper has ended up being harder than I thought, considering my dad's a soldier, and spent last year in Iraq. Anyways, I was looking for something to distract me a little, so that maybe my writer's block would go away...I "stumbled upon" the Modest Mouse music website, and have been listening to it for quite awhile... is amazing.....I'm so happy I found it! .......Anyways....Mum called a bit earlier and told me to start thinking of where I want to go to dinner tomorrow night....usually, for our birthdays, we get to choose what we have for dinner...I guess though, that, for 18th birthdays, we are going out...which is very cool. I'm leaning toward a Sushi resaurant....although I'm not sure...there's one good place fairly close to where I live...I'm just thinking about my brothers, and if they would eat there....I'm not sure. Anyhow.
....Mum said that dad was planning on scheduling my driver's test for Thursday....hopefully I'll pass! ....*my fingers are definetly crossed!*....
Anyways.....Oh. Easter was fairly good.....the best part was that I got some really good pictures of my cousins, and some of the land around my grandma's house...
.....i just have a few for right now...but I'm fairly sure that these are the best. :)
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